uk forum

UK Forum Program

Dear colleagues, students and friends,

Please accept our deepest gratitude for your active participation at the Higher Education and Refugees Forum: How can UK universities respond in a time of crisis?.

The forum was an opportunity to engage and connect with universities and key stakeholders across the United Kingdom in addressing the urgent need to support refugees and those forcibly displaced in accessing higher education opportunities. The intention was to discuss broadly issues concerning refugee higher education for UK universities both inside the UK and outside. Together we had 18 hours of dialogue engaging over 90 professionals, scholars and students. Discussions which we had, are presented in the attached document (with hyperlinks to more comprehensive notes where available).

Following the meeting and the discussion which took place, the conference organisers are prioritising:

  • Supporting broader coordination between UK universities on issues of refugee inclusion
  • Developing guidance for universities in the development of connected higher education programmes for refugees
  • Advocating with university leadership for greater inclusion of refugees

Next steps as a forum participant:

  1. We would be interested in hearing from participants interested in collaborating on the above topics.
  2. We would also be interested to know whether the forum has generated any new programmes, projects, partnership ideas, which you would like to further develop in the near future? If your answer is yes, how and in which capacity could we, as the forum organisers, support this process?

As the next step, we kindly ask you to answer the above two questions simply by responding to this email latest by 27th March. We will coordinate these responses and follow-up in due course.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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